NA 156 Multan is Shah Mehmood Qureshi’s constituency from where he got elected as a Minister. The MPA of the area is Muhammad Nadeem Qureshi and both of these politicians are from PTI. The grassroots of the constituency face many issues. A resident of the area said a lot of improvements happened during this period of PTI’s government but the progress is slow. People are facing a lot of inconvenience due to broken roads. It is hard for ambulances to pass through a majorly broken road and stagnant water that collects there is causing contamination. NA 156 has sewerage problems due to which many shops have been closed near broken sewers. One of the residents of NA 156 revealed that Shah Mehmood Qureshi has only visited once in this area after winning the elections. Some people also defended the government, saying the contractors are responsible for the delays in fixing roads and sewers and not the politicians. Watch the video to see the public opinion and condition of NA 156.
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#NA156Multan #PTI #ShahMehmoodQureshi #MuhammadNadeemQureshi #PublicOpinionOfNA156 #PTIsGovernment #MPAMuhammadNadeemQureshi #MNAShahMehmoodQureshi #ProblemsFacedByPeopleOfNA156 #PP216 #GrassrootsIssuesOfNA156Multan #BrokenRoadsInNA156Multan #SewerageProblemsInNA156